Wise Minds Electrical Contractors

As you know, any work that needs to be done to your home can be one of the most challenging jobs you can take on. Finding the right companies to work on your home, like a carpenter , a roofing company or an electrician. These skilled workers, work hand and hand together. I had the opporunity to hire one of the best electricians in south florida, for my mother in laws home. I was very impressed with the customer service and work performance recieved.

On May 8, 2019 my mother in law hire the worst roofing company. I rather not go full in deatils but the experience is so bad that the promise that was made is still not fulfilled to this day. Thank you God that the process is moving along and the task is almost completed. Its rather odd that a group of 4 to 5 men, working on a house that is 1,300 sq feet, would take nearly a month to complete.

With in three days the roofing company started to create a complete disaster. My mother in law thorogughly explain to the company what side her electicity operates from on her home. The previous eletrician some how attached her electricity wires to the roof of her house, which expand into the air to light pole. As the roofers was removing wood from the roof, the part where the electricity was attached, collapse causing her entire home to loose power. FPL was contacted to come out and shut the power off, which resulted into wires being cut.

My mother in law was left with out power for 2 days. I contacted Serge who is the owner of Wise Mind Electrical Contractor. I found his contact information on facebook. I had my husband explain the issue at hand. Immediately arrangments was made for him to come out Tuesday May 14, 2019. And as promise, him and his crew arrived 8:30 in the morning and completed the job exacly at 1 o’clock.

He explain that in Browaard county you have that option to be able to get an emergency perimit, which would take 2 to 3 days for an inspector to come out. In Dade county that option is not available, that it will take up to 2 weeks just for an inspector to look at the job. Serge ensured that he would have an inspector come out no later than friday. Sure enough my mother in laws house was number 15 on the inspectors list. I was very impress by the work performance, him and he crew rendered.

Once the inspector came out and looked at the job, Serge was informed that he had to do the job over. Not that anything was wrong with the first job. It was extremely neat and well plan out. The inspector instructed him to have the wires come straight out from the roof, in the air to the light pole. Not only did he do the job over, but he debucted $400 from the intitial price. Again as Serge ensured that my mother in laws lights will be back on no later than Sunday.

As God said to the earth let there be light, as it was the lights were back on. Listen mother in laws are hard to please and recommending someone new is extremely scary. My mother in law intial plans was to rehire the electrician who previously done the job for her. As they stated to her, it would be two weeks before an inspector could come out. So she had no choice but to trust me.

The feeling to be able to trust and rely on a electrical contractor who is a man of there word, I was blown away. Spirit of excellence, someone who takes there job serious, excellent customer service, neat work, always stayed in contact, employees was extremely pleasant, fair and just! This company is Highly recommended! I predict by 2021 this company with be nation wide in the rate that it is going. Best electrical company thus far!

If you are looking to hire Wise Mind Electrial Contractors, 954-770-2631 or visit https://www.wisemindselectric.com/

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